Carp Fishing At Trow Pool

     carp swimming....Trow Tips... make your own stop -ends and ledger stops
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© MMV James Bryant, this site is dedicated to Keven Bryant (1964-1975) who knew the pleasures of fishing but was not given the time.





make your own stop endsYou can buy plastic stops ends for weights and floats, but if you're like me you'll be always losing the damn things. So, why not make your own? The advantages are: they're cheap, you'll always have a supply and they're disposable.

Right... get some cotton buds and cocktail sticks. I'll be very surprised if you don't have these somewhere around the house!

Next... cut them into small sections as shown opposite using scissors.

Action... when out fishing and you need stop ends to a float or ledger then use them as shown by threading the line through the cut cotton bud and then securing with a cut cocktail stick - sorted!






Home made stop-ends






Photo of the month...
Bev Street with record UK catfish of 66lb
...send us your pics




Doctor Carp DR CARP                     

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